Young Indies 2018 Short Film Competition and Workshops
Registration is closed for the 2018 competition events
Heartland Film Society is pleased to announce the 2018 Young Indies film competition and invites young people to create and submit their own short film.
Who can enter the short film competition? The film competition is open to any individual or group based in Highland Perthshire and aged
from 5 to 18 years old. There are two categories:-
6 films will be short-listed from each category. These films will be shown at the Birks Cinema during the Aberfeldy Film Festival and prizes awarded to the winners. What kind of film?
Young Indies 2018 Dates
Download the poster here
Free workshops for young film makers
The workshops offer aspiring young film makers the chance to work with a professional film maker and to learn about the whole process
of producing a film - from creating a story and characters, camera shots and storyboard, through to filming and editing.
While some practical help from adults is acceptable, any films entered in the film competition must be conceived, written, directed and produced
by the youngsters themselves. Any films completed during the film making workshops may be entered in the Young Indies film competition.
Young Indies short film competition Entry form and Consent form
- Download a registration form to enter the 2018 competition
- You will also need to complete and return a consent form for each child
- Information about the film competition and workshops is available here
- Information about the film judging criteria is available here

Young Indies logo competition
Young Indies 2017 competition
- More information about the 2018 logo competition is available here
Young Indies 2017 competition
- Information about the 2017 competition and workshops is available here